Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6, Painting Analysis

The author's voice is detailed and focuses on simple things. The first painting had different colors with paintbrushes, pencils, and paper flying around. A bright light coming from behind hands light up the details around it. The second painting focused on specific features of the face and mouth, and the third painting had an intricate background with very detailed hands. The artist does this to focus attention on things he sees as simple, yet important in the painting; he uses details to make the simple things stand out. The culture portrayed in this painting is the deaf, or people with hearing disabilities, because of the sign language used, the focus on the mouth, and the hearing aid shown in the third painting. This culture focuses on and pays attention to the small things. Since they have a hearing disability, they use their eyes to get more out of whatever they are involving themselves in so they can see and appreciate the simple, intricate details in life.

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